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Across the world, Open Banking is beginning to play an important role in the financial inclusion movement. A recent UK study found that, within financially marginalised groups, Open Banking could reduce fees to the point that it would save people around 0.8% of their total income and that, for heavily indebted, overstretched people, this figure could rise to 2.5%.

Brazil is one of three countries worldwide that has explicitly written financial inclusion goals into the legislation that enables its Open Finance regime. It is no surprise therefore to see leading use cases emerge from a market where, in April of this year, household debt hit almost 53% of household income. Lenders like Rebel are looking to transaction data as a solution but what needs to be done to broaden this practice? and what can brazil learn from other leading markets in the space?

*All meeting participants are reminded that this meeting must adhere to competition law rules and, as such, no confidential or commercially sensitive information should be shared directly or indirectly between competitors.


Helen Child
Helen Child

Open Banking Founder

Open Banking Excellence


Julia Koch
Julia Koch

Business Development Manager, Inward Investment

Department of International Trade (DIT)

Ricardo Pandur
Ricardo Pandur

Business Strategy Senior Manager



Marcos Xavier
Marcos Xavier

Partner and Head of Banking as a Service

BTG Pactual

Luana Soratto
Luana Soratto

Head of Product, Open Finance Use Cases


Fabrício Violin
Fabrício Violin

Gerente Executivo de Open Finance e Inovação

banco BV

Ísis Galote
Ísis Galote

Open Finance GPM | Group Product Manager


Aaron Morais
Aaron Morais

Payments Compliance Officer
