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Fintech Northern Ireland

Our view is straight forward: “Nobody nor groups of bodies own the fintech agenda nor speak solely for fintech. Multiple voices discussing, supporting and promoting fintech are what fintech companies really need for positive reinforcement of the finserv innovation agenda. This is particularly the case during covid-19 which like the last financial crisis will likely see many new excellent fintech ideas born.” Peter Oakes, Founder, Fintech Ireland.

We are but one of many voices in the Northern Irish fintech ecosystem to help advance this fintech community. As we are not limited in what we do and who we can engage with, we hope that, just like Fintech Ireland, we can help join the dots and be a useful portal in the Northern Irish fintech community.

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Looking to ignite change and supercharge your growth?

Looking to ignite change and supercharge your growth?

Access to our global OBE community of over 15,000 Open Banking pioneers, raft of writers, marketing and events experts as well as PR office will ramp up your connections, brand visibility, learnings and deals done.

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